Thursday 5 December 2019


When Last is selected, it will search to the last log. Clicking the Quit button exits the Player program. Then you need to determine the balance between the following factors: When selecting the display option of Watch and Search Screen during System setup, the remote site can be also be set to connect using the right or left mouse buttons This is user-defined and must be set during System setup. The software included in this product contains some Open Sources. Adjusts the transparency of the popup screen. atvision pro

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atvision pro

ppro Event Search Click the button on the Search View panel to enter the event search xtvision. For example, you may want to use continuous recording at a lower image quality during the day and motion recording at a higher image quality at night. Selecting Fit to Screen displays images by fitting them to the screen size, and selecting Original Ratio displays images by fitting them within the screen size while maintaining their original ratio.

atvision pro

Displays image in high speed Direct Draw Overlay Mode. The remote site connection on the Search screen will automatically be disconnected if there is no activity for a specified amount of time. Arranges two or more selected boxes towards one direction or towards the center. Select Watch Screen to use the screen for live monitoring only, Search Screen to use the screen for search only, or Watch and Search Screen to use the screen for both live monitoring and searching. Select a specific hour by clicking the mouse on the desired hour segment, and video images will be played back starting with the first image captured within the one-hour segment.

Please check the driver version of the video card and update it to the latest version available. Displays the list of registered Auto Sequencing groups. To combine panels, move the cursor to the title bar of the panel you want to move.

Hidden panels can be displayed by selecting them from the drop-down menus. If the selected device is an alarm-in device, you can associate a camera with the sensor by entering the camera name. Enhances image display quality for all cameras on the screen by eliminating stair-stepping aliasing effects in the enlarged image.

Table of Contents. Chapter 1 Overview In This Manual ATVision Pro Features Product Information... 1

Image Processing The Image Processing panel allows enhancing played back images using processing controls. When searching video recorded on a PC-based DVR, the recorded data of each camera channel are pr by time in one-minute segments. Multiple cameras can be selected by clicking the left mouse button while holding the Shift key.

How do I set up my DVR network? Saves video of desired time range as an AVI file.

Table of Contents. Chapter 1 Overview In This Manual ATVision Pro Features Product Information PDF

The popup camera should be associated with the alarm in device to use the popup function. Up to 32 characters may be used for the site names, telephone numbers and user IDs, and up to 8 characters may be used for passwords. Map Panel The Map panel allows efficient monitoring of the remote sites by displaying a map of the selectable site.

You can also select Connect Status from the popup menu displayed by clicking the right mouse button after selecting the site from the Remote Site list. Capacity shows the remaining space of the recording folder.

atvision pro

If there is any question or request, please do not hesitate to contact dealer. Select the Favorite site to remove from the Site Name list and click the Remove button.

ATVision Pro Download (Free) - ATVision

You can go directly to a log page by clicking the page number button. Displays text-in data if the video was recorded with text-in data. This manual applies to ivms Windows Mobile mobile client software, please read it carefully.

Searching stops when the search results reach First, select the remote sites to upgrade from the Group List, and add them to the Upgrade Sites list by clicking the Add button. Clicking the right mouse button on the Map panel causes a text menu screen to display.

Motion Search is supported only in the single-screen mode. Click the Save button to save the current image in a bitmap file format on the local hard disk drive or floppy disk. Up to 64 cameras can be monitored pfo a time when each camera is assigned to its own position on the Favorites map. Static IP — Fixed Internet address.

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