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Even now, years older, I'm still wary of rereading it because of the creepy memories. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. I'm interested in relationship between Chocky and Grinny as their plot is similar in design yet the aliens themselves have very different purposes. Written as a series of diary entries, it is through Tim that we hear of the strange appearance of Great Aunt Emma one day on their doorstep. Books by Nicholas Fisk. Steven rated it liked it Jul 31, Tom Everett rated it really liked it Dec 18, grinny nicholas fisk

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Order by newest oldest recommendations. Grinny deals with a normal family in middle England whose lives change when they are visited by aliens.

grinny nicholas fisk

Oct 20, Stel Pavlou rated it it was ok. Charlotte Ryton rated it liked it Mar 04, Hated this book as a kid. This book is not yet featured on Listopia.

You Remember Me! by Nicholas Fisk

Written as a series of diary entries, it is through Tim that we hear of the strange appearance of Great Aunt Emma one day on their doorstep. Written in the first person tisk that Tim carries some strong and very interesting ideological viewpoints around roles of expectations around the family; many of which are negative towards females and yet, interestingly, it is Beth who is the strongest character of them all.

One of the scariest books I've ever read, Grinny is pretty much where my obsession with skin-crawling chillers began. I enjoyed the story it can be read very quickly but Tim's voice sometimes sounded too grown up for him to be completely believable for me.

Dec 20, Sam rated it liked it Shelves: Books by Nicholas Fisk. Really glad of any help you can offer. This Granny-esque figure is eventually caught out by the children's ingenuity they realise she is no normal human being when she expects what they describe to her as a "cast-iron conker " to be made of cast iron. Nov 02, Ulrike rated it really liked it Shelves: Of course, I spotted the ending coming but I am an experienced adult Sf reader.

Fisk died in May at the age of May 31, Deb Readerbuzz Nance rated it liked it Shelves: Views Read Edit View history. Monster Maker was made into a film.

This novel was my first foray into sci fi and horror genres, inevitably leading me to read Philip K. Thanks for telling us about the problem.

In praise of Nicholas Fisk and his odourless Great Aunt Emma

Grinny is not one of them. Great Aunt Emma, better known as Grinny, is a stranger to the children, but all she needs to say to adults is fisl remember me", and they accept her at once.

His father, William, author of Frightfulness in Modern Artwas an artist and art teacher. His autobiography, Pig Ignorantcovers the years — and details his life in Soho, a bohemian section of London, where he played jazz in the evenings until he was called to enlist.

She isn't even human, she's as dangerous as a nicholqs and she has a fearful task to perform which involves them…. And now again just reading the synopsis.

In praise of Nicholas Fisk and his odourless Great Aunt Emma | Books | The Guardian

It also started my obsession with Nicolas Fisk and nicohlas only novels I remember with glee from my pre teens were fidk. An excellent book, with Fisk Everybody is surprised when Great Aunt Emma, who nobody's ever heard of, comes to stay, but Tim and Beth start becoming more and more alarmed at her behaviour and must find the truth behind her.

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grinny nicholas fisk

Fisk's most enduring books include Grinnywhich features a technologized extraterrestrial threat in the form of a great- aunt who glows at night, and Trillionsan eerie story about mysterious fosk shiny objects that contain an alien intelligence.

Unlike Fisk's earlier grinmy Trillions, which I reviewed, this is much better written. I re-read with my 11 year old, who enjoyed it very much. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Gradually, though, we sense that there's something very odd about this "queer old bird": Been 30 years since I read any Fisk.

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