Sunday, 1 December 2019


Im an assassin, lvl 12 lol! But I truly hate having to go over this each time. Unfortunately, when I fight mages in outdoor PvP, or even instanced PvP, they don't tell me what they are doing beforehand. Shaman and Warriors are a different story tho. I hope that doesn't ruin the experience. And I can guarantee, Ming has more skill than the maker of World of Roguecraft could ever hope to have. world of roguecraft episode 2

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He shows his losses and his victories. You may not post roguevraft threads You may not post replies You may not post attachments You may not edit your posts.

Mar 27, Countdown To Classic has it all for you today. He does make an excellent point about the paper, scissors, rock theory.

Countdown To Classic - A World Of Warcraft Classic Podcast

I also learned along the way 22 how easily Rogues can be ganked, too. What they DO show is how easily a Rogue can gank at times. MS Warrios are about 10x more difficult to defeat than a Rogue.

world of roguecraft episode 2

BB code is On. The time now is Im an assassin, lvl 12 lol! And this section is based in Illidan, so more than likely you won't find many who have characters on Boulderfist or Hyjal. All times are GMT I eat rogues for breakfast, just ask Juba. The 2nd episode spisode out yesterday, and it's pretty damned funny especially if you're a Warlock. This doesn't even take into account the massive misses from ambush and backstab.

He does not select the best footage to put up, he puts up what rogecraft captures, all of it. Send a private message to WNxNarf. So yes, he levelled a Rogue to 60 with the intention of making these videos. Find all posts by WNxNarf. The WOW forums are filled with complainers of all classes. The comparison to Rogues is unfair in this video, because it only shows what Rogues are good at, and what Warlocks are not good at.

This doesn't show the overall picture very well however. The show then turns to the news from last week, discussing the huge loot trading backflip from Blizzard, as well as the news regarding RP-PvP servers.

Some people can't handle it You do have to have a fairly thick skin or play on PvP server, and Warlock's even more so especially Alliance locks. Think of the hours he had to put into that vid Glad to see another.

World of Roguecraft (Episode 2)!

And getting ganked and stun-locked is an emotional epispde. But the backstory tells us where Mute the creator is coming from. Finally, the show closes with a huge call about everything Alterac Valley, with an alternative view to last week's take on the news about 1.

Originally played a Warlock to lvl 60, he was naturally frustrated with being ganked by Rogues. A very complex class to play, that's regarded as tedious and unfun to play by rogeucraft. Originally Posted by WNxNarf. However, if you want to see how rogues PvP, follow my link. A good, knowledgeable player fits into neither of these categories.

world of roguecraft episode 2

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